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Why mineral cast and mineral material are not the same in the bathtub

Why mineral cast and mineral material are not the same in the bathtub

Mineral baths are trendy and impress with a velvety soft surface. They are known to many as mineral cast bathtubs. The name includes only a part of the popular models. Solid surface tubs also belong to the mineral tubs. Mineral casting and mineral material consist of the same ingredients , but are manufactured differently .

We spoke to the manufacturer Mauersberger about mineral tubs. Find out from us what the difference is between using mineral cast or mineral material for a bathtub.

Mineral cast bathtub vs. mineral composite bathtub

Mineral baths feel wonderful, keep the bath water warm for a long time and are robust. It is therefore not surprising that bathtubs are being found more and more often in bathrooms. Not every built-in or free-standing bathtub is made of cast mineral. There are manufacturers who use mineral material for their bathtubs and do not produce the models in the conventional way.

Should you choose mineral cast or mineral material for the free-standing bathtub? Not an easy question. Because it doesn’t matter whether you decide on a mineral material or mineral cast bathtub, the velvety bathtubs are all beautiful.

We asked such a manufacturer for an interview in order to clarify the terminological confusion. We spoke to Managing Director Falko Mauersberger about the popular bathtubs. He told us how the Mauersberger mineral tubs are made and why mineral cast is not the same as mineral material.

In a short interview with Falko Mauersberger

Anyone interested in bathtubs made of mineral material cannot avoid the term “mineral cast”. The usage seems almost synonymous. But where exactly is the difference?

The difference in the tubs lies in the production technique. Mineral material refers to the material, i.e. a composite material with a mineral content. Cast mineral, on the other hand, refers to one of the manufacturing processes. Mineral bathtubs can either be cast or deep drawn. Most manufacturers cast their tubs. But we opted for deep drawing. And depending on the production process, the tubs have different properties.

This means that if the base of the bathtub is cast mineral, that invariably includes cast tubs. Perhaps it is because casting is the more common form of manufacture, which is why the term has become synonymous with all mineral tubs. However, Mauersberger Badtechnik has deviated from the conventional production method and has specialized in deep drawing using vacuum technology. Why did you choose this production method?

This has to do with our company history. For us it all started with the acrylic tubs. We have been manufacturing them since 1995 using deep drawing. When the idea of ​​producing free-standing mineral tubs came up, we used our previous developments and technology.

When using mineral material, Mauersberger in Gelenau was able to fall back on experience with sanitary acrylic tubs. Nevertheless, it was initially necessary to try out how long the production process would take and how strong the material panels could be in order to be able to shape them optimally.

We would have had to create other technical prerequisites for the “casting” production process. So we looked around for a way to manufacture free-standing mineral tubs from sheet material that could be produced with our technical capabilities. And since deep-drawing can be implemented in our company and offers greater possibilities when equipping the tubs, we have discovered this process for ourselves and continuously improved it.

What are the differences when you compare a mineral cast bathtub with one of your models?

If a bathtub is made of cast mineral, it can hardly be expanded with additional equipment. This means that sound, light and whirl systems can be difficult to incorporate. I don’t think it’s completely impossible, but extremely difficult. Nozzles could be retrofitted at most in the floor area.

Our free-standing mineral baths are also lighter and of a high, unchanged quality. Because the composition of the material panels is always the same. Due to the homogeneous texture, scratches and damage can also be repaired better. In most cases, the repaired area is no longer visible.

It makes a big difference whether mineral casting is used for a built-in or free-standing bathtub or whether the mineral material is deep-drawn. Both production processes enable diversity in design. But individual customer requests are often more difficult to implement with mineral cast bathtubs.

In the case of cast mineral tubs, individual customer requests tend to be more difficult to implement. On the other hand, material panels offer the option of manufacturing individual attachments for our customers. Some users miss a shelf in a free-standing bathtub. With an additional shelf or a suitable corner module, we can create such shelves. Colored bath fronts are also possible if matt white is not desired in the bathroom. Since the bathtub and extension are made of the same material, there are no visual breaks.

Tradesmen and end customers alike can find out more about your mineral baths in your exhibition. And, what’s even better, convince yourself of the properties with your own eyes and hands. Are your visitors and customers aware of the differences between the bathtubs? Or do you have to do a lot of educational work on the subject?

We share the impression that the terms on the subject are becoming blurred. Many customers assume that our tubs are also cast tubs and don’t know the difference. We actually do a lot of educational work here. Once customers are aware of the difference, they usually decide in favor of a free-standing solid surface bath from us. One important factor is weight. Our tubs are significantly lighter because they are not completely filled with cast material.

(Free-standing) bathtub: Mineral material is not the same as mineral cast

Mineral cast bathtub vs. mineral material (deep-drawn): the differences at a glance

Different production techniques are used for bathtubs made of mineral cast and mineral material. As a result, the tubs have different properties. For example, bathtubs made of solid surface material are lighter and offer more flexibility when it comes to realizing individual customer requirements. The following table clearly shows the exact differences between baths made of mineral cast and solid surface material.

Mineral cast bathtub Solid surface bathtub (from Mauersberger)
material during processing Fluid Hard disk)
production technology Pour Deep drawing (vacuum technology)
weight (on average) approx. 100 – 200 kg 90-100kg
customizations difficult to realize (requires individual mold) Extensions and shelving solutions with special dimensions possible
Additional technology (e.g. whirlpool systems) usually little / no space for installing whirlpool systems (tub rim and subfloor poured) Whirl systems possible (customers can choose the position of the jets as they wish)
tub shapes variable; thicker or narrower edges are possible during production variable; freestanding tubs tend to have softer shapes

Disadvantages of cast mineral bath: Compared to Mauersberger’s free-standing mineral baths, baths made of mineral cast are heavier and more difficult to adapt to specific customer requirements

Choose mineral cast or mineral material for the bathtub?

Do you want a comfortable bathtub with a feel-good character to decorate your bathroom? Then you are well advised with a mineral bath. If you find it difficult to decide between mineral material and mineral casting, visiting a bathroom exhibition will help you.

If you want to place a mineral material or mineral cast bathtub free-standing, there should definitely be enough space in the bathroom. Otherwise the special effect will fizzle out.

In our showroom you can take a close look at various models and discover the advantages of a mineral cast or mineral composite bathtub with your own senses. If you have any further questions, you can get more information on site in a relaxed conversation with an expert.

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