The sense of space depends on the color

The sense of space depends on the color

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With colored walls, harmonious moods can be achieved in living rooms. But the visual impression of a room can also change. To do this, you have to keep an eye on the entire facility.

Each room conveys its own sense of space: It is created by a light ceiling, light walls and a slightly darker floor. But if you heed a few basic rules for color schemes, rooms can be changed visually:

  • Long rooms appear wider when light-colored walls and a light-colored front face are combined.
  • If a room is long and narrow, such as a hallway, it can be visually shortened if the front end is made in a saturated shade, and the walls are painted lighter.
  • High old building rooms appear lower due to darker tones on the ceilings.


However, it must not be colorful. Because the color of a room should appeal to the senses and not overwhelm them. It is therefore important that all colored elements within a room harmonize with the walls. You should therefore always keep the room as a whole in mind when choosing a colour.

As a rule, the colors are dictated by furniture, floors, doors, window frames or tiles. By choosing the appropriate color for the ceilings and walls, these can easily be integrated harmoniously in order to achieve the desired atmosphere. If you stick to the essential basics of color theory, nothing can actually go wrong.

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Light colors make a room appear larger.

Guide to color theory

There are two ways to make a coherent whole out of different shades of color: through similarity or through contrast.

  • If you combine colors that are close together on the color wheel, a harmonious contrast is created.
  • If opposite colors are combined, a complementary contrast results, which is particularly useful for large areas.
  • A classic is the tone-on-tone philosophy, in which only one color is used in different shades.
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Here, pink was used as an accent color. Since the light green in the background does not have the luminosity of pink, these colors harmonize.

Ultimately, a single color should always be dominant and used as the main color for the large areas of the room. The colors of the furniture and furnishings must match this main color tone as accompanying shades. However, no more than two accompanying color tones should be added to this main color tone, otherwise a room will appear too restless.

Make an impact with colors

Change the look of your living space with colored walls. For detailed color advice, get in touch with our experienced professionals .

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