Renovation of shower and bath in Munich/Obermenzing

Renovation of shower and bath in Munich/Obermenzing

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The two comparatively small bathrooms from the 1980s were no longer contemporary in terms of furnishings and appearance, which is why the builders decided to modernize the two rooms. Schramm’s team of experts gave them a new, exciting look.

While a linear concept dominates in the shower room, which was designed in shades of gray and white, and color accents are set via accessories, curved shapes prevail in the bath tub and a warm feeling of space is already created by the tiles.

warmth and naturalness

In addition to a Duravit floor-standing toilet and washing machine, the 4 square meter bathroom also has a bathtub and an invitingly designed washing area. The lavish mirror cabinet not only makes the room appear larger, but also offers a lot of storage space. A practical storage option was also created by means of a brick wall adjoining the Duravit washbasin. The soap dispenser from Keuco and the faucet from Grohe harmonize and contribute to a coherent overall picture.

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From now on, builders can always enjoy soothing full baths in the spacious Bette bathtub.

The floor tiles in the wood look create a visual connection to the vanity unit and, in conjunction with the light porcelain stoneware tiles in the tub area and on the walls, create a cosy, homely atmosphere. The slim Zehnder radiator mounted next to the door ensures pleasant warmth throughout the room.

Straightforward and rich in contrast

The shower bath impresses with the successful combination of light and dark colors, while the builders can set individual accents with colored bath utensils and decorative elements and thus change the look of the bath at any time. Like the bathtub, the shower room also has little space. Therefore, not a centimeter was wasted in the planning. During the total renovation of both rooms, the cramped situation turned out to be a particular challenge.

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Thanks to the extremely flat shower tray from Bette, the entry height could be kept low.

The large-format porcelain stoneware tiles give the room size, while the illuminated mirror gives the room depth. The slender faucet from Grohe is an ideal match for the narrow, angular washbasin. The shower fits perfectly into the bathroom, because no optical space is lost via the glass partition. In a niche in the shower, care products can be conveniently stowed away. Next to the shower area is the Keramag floor-standing toilet, which completes the bathroom.

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The high-quality radiator from Zehnder also functions as a towel holder.

We will find a suitable solution for every bathroom!

Are you looking for a bathroom partner who will turn your bathroom into a dream bathroom despite the sloping roof, unfavorable layout or small area? Then get in  touch with us . Our bathroom planners look forward to your ideas and will be happy to support you.

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