More than just a training job

More than just a training job

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In the past, craft businesses could select their trainees from a large number of applicants. Those days are over. Nevertheless, we continue to carefully select our offspring, but we don’t just offer them routine.

Everyone has their requirements: nowadays, young people understand a good education that prepares them for a lifelong job as more than just working from dawn to dusk. You want an interesting, varied job, prospects for the future and also a bit of security.

But employers don’t simply expect the youngsters to master their craft and, as in our case, to be able to lay pipes properly and connect a heating system properly. Or a sink. Rather, they require technical understanding, because complex electronic controls control today’s environmentally friendly heating systems and high-quality bathrooms are often luxuriously equipped with all sorts of technical finesse

We don’t make the choice easy for ourselves

Since our employees have to meet these requirements, we, as a plumbing and heating company, carefully select our young tradespeople. Friendliness, politeness, a sense of order and cleanliness are also basic requirements in order to survive in our job, as we are in regular contact with customers.

We are aware of the responsibility towards the applicants, after all, the course is now being set for the further course of life. That’s why it’s important for us to check in detail: Is the applicant up to the requirements, does he fit the company and to what extent does the company match his ideas?

All potential trainees can therefore work with us for a trial period of one to two weeks so that they get to know the company and we get to know the applicants. During these two weeks, the future colleagues evaluate the technical skills and behavior of a candidate. Above all, however, he is required to be reliable, punctual and honest. Only when the cooperation is right do we offer the applicant an apprenticeship contract

We stand by the youngsters

When we have then decided on an apprentice and he chooses us, he can expect more than just training: Experienced employees who are on hand with advice and action and are always good for tips have their part in a qualified apprenticeship and also contribute to the personal and professional development of our young colleagues. For many years, our company has also belonged to bad&heizung concept AG, which brings together forty companies from all over Germany. We offer workshops there for employees and trainees, work together on effective further training and develop new ideas for our companies, which we implement together. We also show perspectives for the future at an early stage, such as opportunities for advancement within the company, and thus encourage young people to realize that they have found the right job and the right company. Experience has shown that this automatically increases motivation and enjoyment of work.

Our Responsibility

We take responsibility for our trainees, we encourage them, but we also make demands. Because it is only by retaining good employees at an early stage that we can ensure the success of the company and thus all of our jobs.


Are you looking for a future-proof job in the region and would you like to develop professionally? Then get in touch with us . We look forward to receiving your application – also in digital form.

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    80686 München

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    Neumarkter Straße 23
    81673 München

    München - Goetheplatz

    Häberlstraße 20
    80337 München

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      Kilian Schramm Managing Director
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      • Image Certified craftsmen from Munich
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