Regular professional maintenance of heat pumps is essential. As a customer, you benefit from an optimal service life and minimal repair costs. Regular maintenance ensures that your heat pump always works perfectly.
Many questions arise in the area of maintenance and repair. Choosing the right contact person is particularly important for private customers.
As with any technical system, professional maintenance is crucial in order to ensure optimum functional reliability over the long term. With proper care, this has a particularly positive effect on the service life of the heat pump . Before serious problems arise, any problems are identified and eliminated as part of maintenance.
Environmental heat is renewable and freely available at all times – in the air, in the earth and in the groundwater. A heat pump raises this energy to a level suitable for heating – even when the temperature is below zero.
The cooling medium plays an important role in the function and maintenance of heat pumps . In the compressed state, this is gaseous inside the system and liquefies when it exits. It is an extremely polluting substance. That is why our service technicians are specially qualified for the maintenance of heat pumps. You need the so-called “large cold certificate” in order to be allowed to work on the heat pump systems at all. With professional maintenance, sealing problems and potential hazards can be identified at an early stage and environmental pollution can be avoided.
Professional and regular maintenance ensures that your heat pump runs perfectly. It prevents performance losses and failures. Last but not least, maintenance is an important prerequisite for warranty claims against the manufacturer. Heat pumps should therefore be checked annually by expert service technicians.
Would you also like to have your heat pumps serviced professionally? Then get in touch with us . We would be happy to arrange a suitable maintenance appointment with you.
Fürstenrieder Straße 38
80686 München
Neumarkter Straße 23
81673 München
Häberlstraße 20
80337 München